Description :
SURA’S TNPSC mental ability test book is a comprised mental ability test study material for all competitive exam that comes under Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission. Our mental ability study material was prepared by well trained and proficient authors. Our tnpsc mental ability book was prepared under the revised syllabus prescribed by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.
Our tnpsc mental ability test exam study material book is the perfect source material for the exams like Group1, Group 1A, Group 1B, Group 2, Group 2A, Group 2B,Group 3, Group 3A, group 4, Group 5, Group 6, Group 7, Group 8 , VAO and TET. Our tnpsc mental ability test study material comprised with the subjects of conversion of information to data, Mental ability , Aptitude and logical reasoning. Conversion of information to data deals with collection, compilation and presentation of data tables, Graphs, Diagrams- analytical interpretation of data, Arithmetic and mental ability test includes the topics of time and work, area volume, CM, ration and proportion, simple interest, compound interest, simplification and percentage. Logical reasoning includes puzzles, dice, visual reasoning, alpha numeric reasoning, number series, logic number, alphabetical and diagrammatic sequences.
About the exam :
As mandated by the constitution of India, Tamil Nadu public service commission consistently aims at creating and nurturing a public service which is independent, impartial, ethical, effective and being capable and enough to meet the new challenges faced by the government and responsive to the growing of the public at large and marginalized sections in particular. TNPSC’s mission is to ensure a free, fair, and transparent recruitment process for the state civil services, by leveraging information technology solutions. Constantly update its recruitment methodology. Suitably advice the government on all the matters relating to the service conditions of the public servants. Safeguard the interest and integrity of public servants.
TNPSC conducts competitive exams to recruit the candidates for several vacancies within the state examination. Exams conducted by tnpsc are Gropu 1 . Gropu2, Group 4 and vao and other departmental exams.
TNPSC holds prestigious posts, which was the dream of many state civil service aspirants. To get their dream post aspirant should focus on each subjects prescribed in the syllabus. Our tnpsc mental ability test study material will extend the perfect guidance for the students to secure their dream post.
Book Specifications
Author | V.V.K.Subburaj |
Category | TNPSC exam study materials |
Publisher | Sura College of Competition |
Publish Date | 2025 |
ISBN-13 Number | 9788172543716 |
ISBN-10 Number | 8172543719 |
Language | English |
Edition | Latest Edition |
Number of Pages | 372 Page(s) |
Height | 22 (cms) |
Width | 2 (cms) |
Length | 14 (cms) |
Weight | 300 (gms) |
Handling Days | Two Day Shipping |
This single book is enough for so many examinations. Group 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 3A, 4, 6, 7 8, VAO and TET
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