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SURA`S 7th Standard Guide English Full Year Guide 2025-26 Latest Updated Edition

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  • SURA'S 7th Std English Guide 2025-26 Edition Completely updated as per the new Tamilnadu Samacheer Textbook.

    • Publisher: Sura Publications
    • Released: 2025
    • Language: English
    • Format: Paperback
    • SKU: FY-7-E
    • Availability: In Stock
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     Pictorial Representation and Tamil Explanation for every concepts.
     Unit wise mock test with answers
     Various activity sessions such as listening
     reading was indulged to enhance mental ability of the students.
     Unit wise mind map for all the lessons was included in our guide for better understanding.
     Tamil meaning for every supplementary topic for better understanding .
     All the lines of the poems are explained clearly
     Letter writing in revised format

    Description :

    SURA’S  English  full year guide  for Samacheer kalvi of Standard 7th was progressed  by proficient  and consummated  authors . Our guide  is a perfect source for the primary level of students. The English guide was inclined according to the updated samacheer kalvi syllabus released by Tamil Nadu State Board Council. Here we have given TN state board revised samacheer kalvi syllabus for  7th std English guide of  Text Book back questions and Answers, Chapter wise important questions, Study material and notes.

    Our guide is comprised with all the three term( term 1, term 2, term 3) and it will act as perfect guide for the students. This guide encompass all the requirement of the students to comprehend the text and the evaluation of the textbook. Elementary formation of sentence makes students to understand the concepts better , which makes them to score high marks and also make them to learn the concepts clearly. Unit wise mind map for all the lessons was included in our guide for better understanding.  Additional questions have been provided exhaustively for clear understanding of the units under study. Lessons has been summarized to reduce the burden of the students.

    The pictorial representation for creative writing of  every concept makes students to understand the subjects much better. Unit wise practice test was enclosed with every lessons for students better understanding. Grammar section was clearly explained with simple examples. Project study  was encompassed at the end of every lessons. Various activity sessions such as listening, speaking, reading was indulged to enhance mental ability of the students.  Tamil meaning for every supplementary topic for better understanding . All the lines of the poems are explained clearly.  SURA’S model summative assessment question paper with for each term also enclosed with this guide for better learning. Though the book is subjected to Samacheer kalvi pattern ,facile words has been used which can be apprehended  by the both medium of students.

    We hope the given Tamilnadu State Board Samacheer Kalvi Class 6th Books Term 1,2,3 solutions answer guide in English with Tamil explanation will help you.

    Book Specifications

    Author A panel of Authors
    Category 7th Standard
    Publisher Sura Publications
    Publish Date 2025-26
    ISBN-13 Number 9789362182548
    ISBN-10 Number 9362182548
    Language English
    Edition Latest Edition
    Number of Pages 384 Page(s)
    Class 7th Standard
    Board State Board
    Height 24 (cms)
    Width 2 (cms)
    Length 18 (cms)
    Weight 300 (gms)
    Handling Days Two Day Shipping

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